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Fifth EASSE European Day (Online)

Personalized education in times of COVID-19.

The lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in recent months has shown us that there are ample possibilities to develop personalized education through digital channels, allowing us to continue with students’ integral education and thus being able to continue helping families in educating their children. In addition, teachers have also had the opportunity to redefine their role in the new digital framework, which has led to the improvement of personal and professional skills, especially those related to tutoring.

This digital environment has also facilitated the opening of new communication spaces for institutions, especially in the promotion of educational projects. In this sense, school digital marketing offers an essential support for the knowledge of and access to new audiences and new forms of interaction.


Nacho San Román
Director of Education and Personal Development in the educational group Attendis and Professor of School Organization in the Master of Educational Centers Management at the University of Villanueva.
Rafa Martín Aguado
Experto en Comunicación Corporativa y consultor en Rommel&Montgomery.



Seventh European Day

November 17 and 18, 2022



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